Affordable Health Insurance For Pre-Existing Conditions

Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and peptic ulcer

Made for your parents

Flexible payments

Pay monthly, quarterly or annually

24 hours customer care

You can always rely on us to be reachable by your parents or the hospital, 24 hours a day

Medications delivered

There’s no need for elderly ones to stress to get their medications, we deliver to them

Health checks

Our health coaches ensure they are in good health so you can have peace of mind

How It Works

Select your preferred hospital

A matching health insurance plan will be selected for you and the add-on is priced based on the hospital you select.
If you have selected a plan already, you will have to choose what plan you want the PEC benefit to be added to

Pay online

Enter your details and pay online with your card. It’s all very simple

Start accessing care!

After paying, watch out for the series of emails you’ll get from your no. 1 HMO in Nigeria, explaining how to use your health plans to stay healthy.

Pre-existing condition Benefit

Pre-existing conditions are SERIOUS illnesses that have existed AT ANY TIME BEFORE the start of your insurance plan.
With this pre-existing condition coverage, treatment, tests and drugs for selected conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis, and peptic ulcer are covered from the moment you buy the plan.
This is perfect for older parents, senior citizens or anyone battling with any of these conditions.You can visit the Pre-existing condition section of the FAQs for more details
Click here to view a comprehensive list of benefits for the Pre-existing Condition Plan
